Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail."

Edwin Land

So for years now i've been saying that i want to be an artist of some kind and make 'stuff' what that actually means i'm not quite sure yet but i do know that i'm keen to explore my creative side. I have been making excuses about being too busy for so long now but i think it's really fear of failing, so over the next 12 months i would like to make the commitment to trial something new and creative each month until i find something that i am actually good at and more importantly enjoy doing.

This little blog will help me keep track of this journey as well as anything else i find inspirational. This is also my first attempt at joining the blogging world which i've also been meaning to do for years, hopefully this will be a sign of things to come :)

Wish me luck!